On Sale Before Selling Out

I am about to violate one of the most basic rules of marketing and give you an insider’s look at the world of self-publishing in the digital age.  I probably shouldn’t write this post.  My morning coffee hasn’t kicked in and I can tell you that this post will...

Hey Servers, There’s An App For That

Introducing Waiters Today As I approach my second year of writing this blog, I am pretty impressed with the quality of the server blogs on the web. I think that some bloggers like Mike Q at Life On A Cocktail Napkin have significantly raised the bar with the quality...

Creating A Server Community

One of the coolest parts of spending over a decade in the restaurant business is that you know someone at most every restaurant.  Last night, my girlfriend Ali (who complains about not getting mentioned enough on here) and I went to check out a new restaurant.  We...

The Reviews Are In

Read any good books lately?  When I sent out advanced copies of my book, I was hoping someone would say something nice about it in their reviews.  All of the people who had read it previously did so to edit it.  Something about getting back all the previous copies...