Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar

Regular readers of this blog may have realized already that I hate getting stumped by my guests.  I have spent thousands of hours researching food to prevent this from happening.  Last night I was asked a question so simple I should have known the answer.  They asked...

Espresso Drinks

During the writing of one of these posts between 20 and 60 ounces of coffee is consumed by the author. While Microsoft Word is firing up on my Mac, I start the first pot in one of the three coffee makers in my kitchen. I sit down and write a basic outline while...

How Wild Fish Is Caught

Your guests are becoming more eco friendly than ever before.  Organic, sustainable, free range, cruelty free, locally grown, and a variety of other catch phrases that were unheard of when I started waiting tables are now common place.  Most all of these are easy...

Understanding French Sauces (Part Two)

Celebrity chefs seem to be everywhere today.  If you are a foodie, you can probably name a handful off the top of your head.  They have their own TV shows, books, and websites.  Entire networks are built upon the idea of bringing you the next celebrity chef.  Reality...

Foodie Friday: Fact or Fiction

My General Manager once told me the story of the Caesar salad.  Back in the time of Caesar, salt was incredibly scarce.  Salty fish named anchovies were abundant though.  So to create the salty taste in the dressing they used the anchovies.  Even though we have plenty...