Pasta Name Origins

Over the years I have worked at a few Italian restaurants.  This has left me with two distinct traits.  First, a burning desire to flee anytime I hear a Mario Lanza tune.  Second, is a tremendous amount of random facts about pasta.  During my short break between...

Foodie Friday: Types of Crab

Guests often bring up the names of Food Network and Cooking Channel chefs to me at work.  The jokes usually go right over my head.  People assume that I am somewhat familiar with these chefs because of my job.  It is actually quite the opposite.  After spending a...

Foodie Fridays: Salmon Species

Salmon is one of the least understood items on most restaurant menus.  Servers are often unaware of what type of salmon is served out of their kitchen.  Even more commonly servers are unaware of the unique selling points of the species they offer.  This is problematic...

Foodie Friday: Salmon Basics

I spent most of my life disliking the flavor of salmon.  Growing up most of the salmon I ate came from a can and was served in “patty” form.  As I worked in casual dining restaurants I would occasionally try the salmon dishes only to be turned off by the lingering...