by David | Jun 10, 2011 | Rules of Serving
Rule Ten: Pessimism is a self-fulfilling prophecy Every restaurant has at least one server who is chronically pessimistic. They come in for every shift expecting the worse. Even when they are proven wrong they find a reason to complain. If the ceiling...
by David | May 5, 2011 | Rules of Serving
Rule Nine: Never Get Just One Some of the most influential philosophers of the last five hundred years have done some of their greatest writing on the concept of a “social contract.” Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Rawls, and many other have written at length on the...
by David | May 4, 2011 | Rules of Serving
(Note: One thing that became apparent to me when I wrote “The Best of Tips for Improving your Tips” last week was that I really need to wrap up my “Rules of Serving” series. This week I am going to post the final three rules.) Rule Eight: Never count your money until...
by David | Dec 8, 2010 | Rules of Serving
Rule Seven: Be the coworker you want to have. Once you have been at a particular restaurant for any length of time, the floor chart can tell you a great deal about how your shift will go. Most servers can see the people they are working with and find reason for...
by David | Aug 2, 2010 | Rules of Serving
Rule Six: Never spend money you haven’t made. I am glad July of 2010 is behind me. I cannot recall a month that was less lucrative in my serving career. My income dropped by well over 50% last month. Unbearable heat combined with a disproportionate number of...
by David | Jul 16, 2010 | Rules of Serving
Rule Five: Always recommend what is in the guest’s best interest, not yours. (Note: There are many hyperlinks today that will send you to posts were I have previously addressed specifically issues that I address in this post.) This is the second time in two days I...