Retiring Jokes

I was 13 years old back in 1988.  I know who Flo Jo and Greg Louganis are.  I will never misspell potato.  I remember President Reagan.  I had a crush on Jessica Rabbit.  I saw Rattle and Hum on my 13th birthday because it was rated PG-13.  My girlfriend taught me to...

How To Sell The Bottle

There really is no greater subtle statement of status in a restaurant than having a great bottle of wine on your table.  The surrounding tables all take notice.  It is a declaration of class and announces to the dining room that you can afford the finer things in...

How To Sell More Desserts

I suppose I should start this post by thanking all of the servers who are still reading after my six post series on management and motivation.  I know it is a server blog, but I also recognize that a large portion of my readership is comprised of managers.  I hope...

I Make Mistakes Too

It takes a certain amount of hubris to write a blog like this.  To sit back and write about how to be a better server almost implies that you think you are good enough to be emulated.  I will never claim to be the world’s greatest server.  I do consider myself humbly...